Product Design Engineer


Find here a selection of videos from the rest of my portfolio, showcasing some of the projects I’ve worked on over the last few years. For more information on each project, click the ‘Learn More’ button, or feel free to get in touch with me by following the links at the top and bottom of every page on this website.


BBC Click Interview | Pavegen

My work at Pavegen caught the attention of BBC Persian Click, who came to the workshop in December 2024. I walked them through the Pavegen system and some of the new innovations I’d been working on, including the new substructure I’d developed and integrating solar power into the system, as well as talking to them about sustainability at Pavegen and in the industry.


Noise Reduction | Pavegen

There was a clear market need for Pavegen’s kinetic flooring to be made quieter. I adapted the generator to reduce the noise by as much 80% without requiring any major design modifications or retooling.


Balcony Retrofit | EnviroBuild

Strong-Span is an aluminium decking board specifically designed for retrofitting balconies to meet updated building regulations. The decking is fire resistant, provides drainage, and can be used as a 1:1 replacement for traditional timber boards.

I animated and rendered this video using SolidWorks and Adobe Premiere Pro for a trade show and as a guide for our customers.


Robotic Flying Squirrel | Final Project

“Design a robotic gliding squirrel that can use solar power to climb trees to gather samples of fungi and record videos in the upper canopy of a rainforest. It can be designed for gliding from tree to tree to save energy. It is encouraged to take a robot design approach using recycled parts of bicycles, automobiles, or household waste as much as possible. This will allow local communities to easily repair or assemble robots for community use.”


Robot Arm | Placing Dominoes

“First you need to successfully perform you project task in simulation. The gateway is when your simulation will be inspected and if there are any issues with it, you will be asked to improve it. Once you’ve successfully passed the Gateway, you will be allowed to attempt running your task on the physical robot.”


Tensegrity Drones | Future Structures

“The project aims to develop high-performance, lightweight structures for future vehicles through innovative structural design, at the same time, by utilising the most advanced materials and manufacturing technologies. It is particularly important for transportation sectors, in terms of providing optimum mobility performance, minimum energy consumption, and achieving more environmentally-friendly footprint.”


Giftmo | Automatic Gift-wrapping Machine

“Each team must design, build and demonstrate at least one machine that effectively integrates machine elements, sensors and actuators and code to perform a specified function. Your machine must work, but it does not need to fulfill a real-world need. It can be playful, joyful, whimsical, devious, absurd.”


Agrip Mix | Ergonomic Hand Mixer

“Design and engineer a battery powered hand - tool for home, garden or educational use, that not only appeals to the mass market but also meets the needs of a specific (underserved) user group. Design and develop an inclusive consumer product that genuinely deserves to exist.”


Self-balancing Robot

“Program a two-wheeled robot to stay balanced whilst under bluetooth control, to allow it to move backwards and forwards, and left and right.”